Gravity Forms integration

Enhance your Gravity Forms with detailed analytics. Track form submissions, measure performance, and optimize forms based on actionable insights.

Track Gravity Forms submissions with AnalyticsWP

Gravity Forms is a feature-rich form plugin for WordPress, offering advanced form-building capabilities. AnalyticsWP tracks form submissions and provides insights to improve your forms’ success.

Form submission tracking

Track and analyze user behavior on your Gravity Forms to optimize conversions and form performance.

Automatic integration

All integrations are automatic and built-in, so you can simply enable or disable them at any time. You have full control over which analytics events are tracked.

Customer Journey Analytics

See the complete path to conversion for every customer, including traffic sources and campaign attribution.

Designed to work seamlessly with the tools you already use

AnalyticsWP Integrates seamlessly with 16+ popular WordPress platforms and plugins through native, built-in integrations with automatic detection.

Straightforward insights about who’s visiting and what they’re doing on your site

Simple & lightweight

AnalyticsWP is built with an obsessive attention to efficiency. It won't slow down or bloat your site in any way.

Secure & private

Your data stays on your site, there is absolutely no sharing with external servers. Rest assured that everything is safeguarded at all times.

Accurate stats

AnalyticsWP is built on world class first-party tracking technology, making it entirely ad blocker proof and perfectly accurate. This is a big deal.


Effortlessly track user journeys, understand the real paths people take to arrive at and navigate through your site or store.

Made only for WordPress

Fully and natively integrated with WordPress. Everything works instantly and perfectly. We will never focus on anything besides WordPress. 

WooCommerce integration

Using WooCommerce? AnalyticsWP will detect this automatically and add additional functionality and insights, including full customer journeys.

Pay for it once, install it, and run it forever.

Pay one time, own it forever

For a limited time, we're offering a lifetime license. You buy it, it's yours. You'll never have to pay ever again, and you'll have access to updates forever.

Try it for 7 days

You can download the full plugin right now, for free, no email or credit card required. You'll see real data come in and then you can decide if it's worth buying.

Awesome support

Installing AnalyticsWP requires literally zero steps besides uploading the plugin, it's smooth as silk! But if you ever want to talk, our team is here for you.